Edmond Memorial High School Athletics


Week 0 Tickets, Parking and More Info


Tony Rose | 8/28/2020

Our first home Bulldog Football Game is TOMORROW - Friday, August 28th!

Following are some important details you'll need to know:

1) We have LIMITED TICKET AVAILABILITY of 2100 tickets for the Home Side which are currently available for sale through the booster organizations for families of football players, band, and cheer/pom. Game time is 7:00, but the ticket booth and gates will open at 5:00. Don't wait until the last minute and risk being disappointed if we've sold out of tickets early! Tickets are $5.00 each, ages Kindergarten - senior adult, CASH ONLY.

Student Section seating is marked for appropriate spacing and tickets will be limited to that number. Students planning to attend are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets for home games on Tuesday (A Schedule) or Friday (B Schedule) during either lunch at the concession stand to ensure getting a spot in the student section for that week's game. Tickets are $5.00 each, CASH ONLY, so please remind your student to have $$ ready at lunch Tuesday or Friday to purchase that week's ticket! (Students who already have already purchased an activity pass must show the pass at the concession stand at lunch to receive their student section ticket for the week and will only need the ticket at the game rather than their ID badges.)

2) Parking for game nights is scattered around our campus. Handicap accessible parking is available off 15th Street at the Welcome Center or on the north side of the stadium, but a hang tag or disabled plates are required. There are also a limited number of disabled spaces reserved near the visitor's gate behind the stadium, but we respectfully request you reserve those for the visiting team if possible. All other patrons may park on the south or west sides of the school and should be aware that access to those lots is only available from Scott Street behind the school, Edgewood Drive on the west by softball field, or 15th Street on the north. You MAY NOT access the rear parking lots from the 15th Street stoplight! The area in front of the home gate is for PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY. Following the game, only the Welcome Center lot will exit at the stoplight - all others will disperse at the back or side gates into the surrounding neighborhood to help with traffic flow.

3) There is NO DROP-OFF OR PICK-UP at the front of the stadium! This must be done at the Freshman Academy loop behind the school off Scott Street. Please make sure your student knows to meet you there immediately following the game.

4) The Visitor Gate behind the stadium off the south parking lot is FOR VISITOR SIDE ONLY! Guests may not cross between sides once inside the fence, as visitor side tickets are limited as well. Regardless of where you park, all HOME TEAM PATRONS MUST ENTER AT THE HOME GATES (front of stadium) ONLY and a running count will be kept. When we reach stadium capacity from pre-sold and event night sales, the gates will stop receiving guests for the event.

5) Masks and Socially Distanced Seating are required for all fans at all times on our campus. No outside food or drinks of any kind may be brought into the stadium.

Please carefully follow the EPS Fan Protocol so we can continue to enjoy spectator sports for our students! It takes ALL of us doing our part - it's the Edmond Memorial Bulldog Way!